Beyond Bound - Templates

Assent Forms

An assent document is used in research to obtain agreement from minors or individuals not legally authorized to give consent, indicating their willingness to participate in a study. Unlike consent forms, which are signed by legal guardians or those with full legal capacity, assent forms are designed to be understood by younger participants or those with limited decision-making capabilities.

These documents explain the study in simple, age-appropriate language, covering what participation involves, any potential benefits or discomforts, and affirming the participant's right to withdraw at any time. The use of an assent form is a crucial part of ethical research involving vulnerable populations, ensuring that they are respected as individuals capable of making informed decisions to the extent possible given their level of understanding.

Available Templates

If your research involves minors or individuals not legally authorized to give consent, please use the following templates:

  1. Assent to Participate in Research (HRP-1708): This document is used to inform and gain agreement from minors or individuals who cannot legally consent, ensuring they understand their participation in research. Tailored to be age-appropriate, it emphasizes understanding over mere agreement, fostering an informed and respectful engagement with research participants.
  2. Parent Permission with Child Assent (HRP-1712): The document is a combined form used in research involving minors. It includes a section for parental consent, acknowledging and granting permission for their child's participation in a study. Additionally, it features an assent portion tailored to the child's comprehension level, seeking the child's agreement to participate.
    This document ensures both the parent's and the child's informed participation in the research process, respecting the autonomy and developmental level of the child.
  3. Parent Consent and Permission with Child Assent (HRP-1711)
More Useful Forms
  1. Minor Assent Template
  2. Parental Consent Form